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Cedar Lake
Expanded Wildlife Management Area
Watch this short video to learn more about conservation efforts aimed at protecting Cedar Lake's water quality and wildlife habitats.
Project Highlights & Updates
100 Plus Women event touches the hearts of many in the Leech Lake area
More than 115 women gathered Dec. 5 at the Arvig Walker Area Community Center to make an impact on a local non-profit through a group called 100 Plus Women Who Care of the Leech Lake Area. Women from Walker, Hackensack, Longville and surrounding areas were among those who attended. 100…
Read MoreSecuring Sourcewater via Forestland
Outdoor Heritage Fund-backed land purchases in Crow Wing and Hubbard counties will benefit wildlife habitat and protect a source of drinking water. The Crow Wing County purchases included this parcel in the Pine River watershed, which flows to the Mississippi River – a source of drinking water for more than…
Read MoreLouise Lake Aquatic Management Area Addition
Louise, Wabedo and Little Boy Lakes are located in Cass County near the City of Longville. These three lakes are connected by a channel which is an important ecological connection between the three basins through a “sensitive shoreland” area. The Louise Lake Aquatic Management Area (AMA) was established in 2005…
Read MoreMGLP provides $324,238 in Grants to Conserve Fish Habitat in Lakes
The Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership (MGLP) is awarding $324,238 through its 2022 Lake Conservation Grant to five projects across the Upper Midwest. Together, these projects will benefit glacial lakes and their fish habitats, fish populations, and fisheries for years to come. Funds for the Lake Conservation Grant are provided by the…
Read MoreConservation Conversations: Featuring Annie Knight
Conservation Conversation: Annie Knight of Northern Waters Land Trust: Grant Manager, Conservation Specialist, Radio Producer | KAXE, featuring Annie Knight, NWLT’s Grants Manager & Conservation Specialist Annie Knight is the conservation specialist and grants manager for Northern Waters Land Trust and has been co producing KAXE/KBXE’s Conservation Conversation series. Knight joined Heidi…
Read MoreNorthern Waters Land Trust Sells Stony Point Land to U.S. Forest Service
For the past eight years, the Northern Waters Land Trust patiently waited to transfer a 3.15 acre parcel on Leech Lake in Cass County to the US Forest Service. The wooded property with 1,030 shoreline feet is surrounded by Chippewa National Forest and is west of the Stony Point Campground. …
Read MoreFind the Crayfish, Find the Fish
A great way to locate fish in midsummer is to find crayfish. Just about every kind of fish likes to chew on crayfish, especially young crayfish before they get too big and their outside skeleton gets too hard. Bass, walleye, pike and even big panfish like to munch down crayfish.…
Read MoreConservation Conversations: Featuring Pat Collins
Conservation Conversations: Conservation Easements and the Minnesota Land Trust | KAXE, featuring Pat Collins (Conservation Program Manager at Minnesota Land Trust) and John Sumption (Co-Chair of NWLT Conservation Committee) Heidi Holtan: It’s time for our Conservation Conversation. Once a month we connect with our partners at Northern Waters Land Trust.…
Read MoreConservation Conversation: Featuring Crystal Mathisrud
Conservation Conversations: Discussion on Carbon Sequestration in Conservation | KAXE, featuring Crystal Mathisrud, (District Manager of Hubbard County Soil and Water Conservation District) Heidi: Good morning! Thanks for being here. John S.: Good morning, John and Heidi! Today our guest is Crystal Mathisrud. She’s the district manager for the Hubbard…
Read MoreCritical Shoreline Habitat Added to Miller’s Bay AMA
DNR works with partners to expand Miller’s Bay Aquatic Management Area on Leech Lake The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Northern Waters Land Trust, Leech Lake Association, and the Twin Cities Chapter of Muskies, Inc., Hugh C. Becker Grant Committee recently partnered to purchase 5.25 acres with 1,300 feet of…
Read MoreLakeland Currents with Jason Edens
Northern Waters Land Trust staff talk with Lakeland Currents host, Jason Edens, on why conservation is important in protecting our lakes, the role of easements in conservation, and the value of collaboration among various organizations and agencies throughout the region.
Read MoreWhy not largemouth bass?
Fish biologists are suggesting that as our climate continues to get warmer we are going to see a reduction in walleye, perch, northern pike and muskies in the northern parts of Minnesota and Wisconsin. All these species depend on colder water and a good healthy forage base of Tullibee. Tullibee…
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